Public involvement is an integral part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) takes a proactive approach to inform and involve the public, resource agencies, industry, local government, and other interested parties about proposed projects. The USACE involves the public and invites participation through information workshops, stakeholder meetings and other outreach efforts, such as public notices, newsletters, and maintenance of the project website. Public views and concerns expressed throughout the NEPA process for the proposed Jasper Ocean Terminal (JOT) will be considered during the preparation of the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements (Draft EIS and Final EIS, respectively). Public comments will be used to help develop reasonable and practicable alternatives, identify significant resources, evaluate potential impacts of the various alternatives, and identify the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative (LEDPA) that would avoid or minimize impacts to navigable waters and other waters of the U.S.